Happy Birthday, Sioux….

Dearest Siouxsie! Sorry I forgot your birthday. It’s difficult to remember when it comes around, for I celebrate you often, nearly daily, listening to your music, admiring your contribution to culture. My husband will role his eyes when I play your work. (Been playing “Pinned Down” at high volume a lot lately). Those close to me know my fondness for you and your work. From Banshees to Creatures to solo, I have enjoyed the ride.

I remember meeting a colleague of yours (won’t say which). He said, “She’s really demanding of the work.”

I replied, “I can see her being difficult.” He was quick to respond, “I didn’t say difficult. I said demanding of the work….”

I was put in my place. He continued with, “She’s actually a very smart, wise and kind person. She just demands that she and the Banshees did the work. They could have been a joke, a one hit wonder, but she made sure they were part of that legendary catalogue of musicians.”

I’ll never forget that.

You are legend. Still inspiring generation after generation with music and fashion. Never was, never will be another like you. Good grief, from one scribbler to another, you’re one of the best writers ever! And I don’t think you get enough credit for that. “Red Over White,” for God’s sake. AMAZING! “Red Wrapping Paper!” Oh, come on! I could go on, but we both know you are the queen of smart lyrics.

So, my apologies for being late. My sister had to remind me. That was thoughtful of her. But, in my defense, I spend day after day celebrating how you have inspired me (so much) that I didn’t realize that it was your birthday. I seem to celebrate your life almost every day, on a whim, wanting to sing along with you.

I wish you all the best and will celebrate your (belated) special day watching “Dreamshow.”

Much love,

Gregory Patrick

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