
Gregory Patrick is an author and knitter who began his knitting career after becoming homeless in 2011, knitting teddy bears in order to raise the money for food and eventually a place to live. He currently lives in Orlando, FL with his husband, Phillip.

Contact is welcome!



  1. Sad to hear that it´s not going well on your farm. Just wanted to say that you have my thoughts.

    Snowy best wishes from sweden/ Ulf

  2. Hi Greg,
    I have been looking for you since we left High School in Berlin. Glad to see you signed the guestbook. Hope everything is well. Keep in contact.


  3. Hello Greg,

    I am Dale, and I live in Tampa, FL. I was given your information cause I am just starting out sewing and Knitting bears. I have been Knitting since the age of 6, and sewing since 7 years old. But never thought I could make and sell them. I am curious on how you have started on your path? I hope all goes well and you are in my thoughts.


  4. Love and prayers to you, Gregory. Take in the full experience as you are. Express to the universe that okay, you got it, and you are grateful for the abundance headed your way. Like attracts like. I wish you strength and peace and fluidity toward drawing to you that which you desire.

    Portland, Oregon

  5. Hello mad man knitting, I find my self in georgia, relocated for a similar reason. Thank goodness you have your knitting to keep you sane, Im thinking of getting back to crocheting for sanity.
    Have a happy one

  6. Found your Blog courtesy of Lion Brand. What I have read so far is very interesting and inspiring! Thanks for helping me see that everybody has problems and I’m not alone with what has happened and is still happening in my life! Hope to hear from you soon!

    BTW, LOVE your teddybears! They are adorable!

    Lori J. Thorne

  7. Hi Gregory…I’d love to ship you some yarn so you can get your blanket done before winter. You would be doing me a HUGE favor since ..My name is Chris and I’m a yarnaholic. I started crocheting after over 20 years of not, then learned how to knit. I kept buying more and more yarn. I have too much and would love to share with you….PLEASE!! Consider it a long distance hug..I’m a big believer that a hug can some times make things better. My email is below..send me a message with an address. I have “manly” colors that I can send you.

  8. I just read your story on Lionbrand’s website. I was thinking of sending you some money, but I have a lot more yarn than cash at the moment and was wondering if extra yarn would be more profitable. Good luck!

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah for the offer. Thanks to Lionbrand I have an AWESOME stash of yarn at my disposal! However, I am thinking of getting a PO box here shortly, since I don’t have permanent residence anywhere so I can get mail and such. So, I’ll keep you posted!!!

  9. Gregory
    I am always encouraged when i read about people who have suffered so and refuse to lie down and instead do something about it..please let me know when you have bears available. i have subscribed to your blog & vids. Keep your chin up honey..I swear its during these trials that make a man (or woman) in my case..My big sister taught me to crochet when i was young and I’ve just picked up knitting with a passion..You can bet i will be following you closely and encouraging you..How exciting. i too read about you thru lion brands website..I’m so glad. Sending big hugs..I also blog..i lost my big brother, mother and father, 2 dogs and horse in a crazy blind stretch..unfortunately It took me a lot longer to realize life is still worth living and that I am still worth something. loss sucks, not getting do overs sucks worse..when i lost my daddy a year ago i didnt know how to grieve..so a friend helped me train my spoiled rotten horse and my goodness the aha moments..how training my horse was really about training me..horses truly mirror us.
    my name is carolyne and im really glad i found your blog

    1. Carolyne. Thank you so much for the great comment. I do my best to keep my chin up, I truly do. I am sorry to hear about your loss and I’m glad to see that you’ve found comfort in your horse. (I feel the same about my Mario….I don’t know where I’d be without her). Every little moment I’ve come across when it deals with loss comes down one weird truth. You can take my home, fine. You can take my food, fine. You can take my love away, fine. But the one thing you cannot take from me is hope. Thank you for reading my blog. I look forward to hearing more from you soon.

  10. Hey Gregory! I have been reading your blog and I think highly of it. I find the ideals behind this blog inspiring and uplifting and worthy of an award that symbolizes these ideals. I have nominated you for the Liebster blog award given to blogs with less than 200 followers who deserve a little more recognition.

    There are a few simple rules that go along with the award: they are as follows as passed down to me.

    1.Give a shout out to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to their blog.
    2. Nominate 5 other blogs that have less than 200 followers.
    3. Spread the good blog karma.
    Lastly, don’t forget to add the Liebster blog award image to your post.

    – Angela
    “A Year of Living Wisely”

    here is your nomination: http://ayearoflivingwisely.wordpress.com/2011/12/01/day-255-abundance/

  11. I look forward to reading your book and watching your videos (I got a chance to see a little of one- awesome). I teach young teenagers how to knit(I’m a math teacher). I have a lot of boys sign up for the class and it makes me happy to show them blogs and stories of knitters that defy their stereotypes. I arm them with comebacks to stupid comments from non-knitters. Knitting rocks and I’m glad there are men blogging about knitting. I too would love to see men on yarn labels (I can think of a few bodies I’d really like to see ). Keep writing. I love how you turn to knitting to escape the world. It’s a great escape.

  12. Hi Greg,

    Just a couple words that will say what I need to say: your work and story inspired me, 17 year old male, to start knitting teddy bears. I love teddy bears, proud of it, and my girlfriend thinks its cute, so hooray! And I’m just starting the patterns and beginner things and all. Thanks to you, I’m working hard during my spare time to learn till I can make my own teddy bear!

  13. Well, You and your blog are new to me but, man, I sure am glad I stumbled onto it. You are my inspiration. Life kicks us down but its up to us whether we stay down or not. Glad you didn’t stay down…..but are pulling yourself up by your boot straps…..as the saying goes. I just ordered one of your bears. I hope the money helps you. I know the bear will help me. He comes with a story and a family. . . . a daddy and I intend to give him a good home. Some day you should come visit him here on the farm. You could see for yourself how much he is loved. Keep up the good work and I will keep you in my prayers. Hugs, Daizy
    P.S. I am working on my blog now. Look for it : Poor House Paradise.

  14. Wow! You are just amazing! And I’m glad you have knitting with you, to keep you company and make you happy! I send my love and positive energy to you. I’m a knitter too and I know how much it changed my life. Blessings my dear! 😀

  15. I think many of us have found or refound knitting or other stitch craft from a place in our lives we would rather not be. Knitting in public places can cause quite a stir whether male or female… our group meets in a local pub and people are either impressed or totally dubious and generally, if in this latter group, rather rude (I’m being politely English here! You know who in their right mind would knit unless you are deranged or gay or homeless or something…. at least that’s what they seem to think. They are the deluded ones!

    I have nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogger Award

    A bit of pointless fun but it helps spread the word!

  16. Hi Greg,
    I can definately relate. I used to work in an office requiring computer work. Often I would have my motorcycle helmet resting on the crt set and would be knitting cable pattern scarves and other crazy patterns. The looks of disbelief were amusing to say the least but amusing none the less. Been knitting for years.
    Best to you,

  17. Just been reading your story about the cops at Starbucks. I have to say I’m impressed with how you handled it. It’s very refreshing to see a man out there that knits, enjoys it, and isn’t afraid to let the world know it. Good for you! You are the type of man I hope to meet one day.

  18. Dear Gregory, your blog has helped me put the past few years of my life in perspective. I am deeply moved by your writing. You are a very rich man where it counts most of all, in the heart, in the soul, in the mind.

  19. Hi Greg,
    I came across you story on Facebook today, and immediately downloaded your book from Amazon. I’m already half way through the book. You are amazing and inspiring, and I love your Teddy Bears. Sending much love and positive thoughts and prayers your way!

  20. Hi Greg, my wife is a knitter and I came across your blog by accident. Inspiring story and I wish you the best of luck. You’ve inspired me to take up knitting as well, which I see as a great opportunity to spend time doing something else with my wife and as a diversion to our own challenges in life. She gave me my first lesson a few days ago and I’ll be finishing up my first dishcloth soon!

  21. Hi Greg,
    Ordered your book on the 28th of Oct. and finished it today. I would have read it in one sitting if I could; didn’t want to put it down, but other duties beckoned. Anyway, you are a wonderful writer and I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I have been a knitter for about eight years now, so I downloaded your pattern today ~ can’t wait to get started! Unfortunately, I have several other patterns in the works at the moment that I need to finish up first (gifts for my grandchildren for Christmas) so I may not be able to get started for a while. I’m not very good with double pointed needles, but thought I might try using the magic loop method. I use it when I knit socks ~ do you think that would work?

  22. Just tried to order your book on Amazon and they said it was unavailable. Will you be reprinting more copies or is it available somewhere else?

  23. Hello from Canada Greg. I am sorry that you went through such hardship. But I am glad that you found a way to release some of those feelings through your writing and your knitting. I found my way by processing fleece from straight off the animal, to finished product, whether that be yarn or into needle felted items. I spin my own yarn as well and during multiple major surgeries in a very short time, it was my saviour. I love your bears and love reading your blogs. Keep strong and don’t ever stop knitting. I would love to send you a little needle felted bear, to add to your home. 🙂

  24. Hi. I hope you don’t mind me telling you this but I have a massive crush on you. I think you’re gorgeous.



  25. Please don’t stop the blog.(or the knitting). For those of us who sometimes feel their world has gone crazy, it helps to read your blogs and posts..Keep on keeping on. Thank you. Kathleen.
    p.s. I am also knitting.

  26. Gregory,
    I love following your trip through life and I’m glad you’re doing better.
    I’ve bought your pattern (not tried it yet) and your book.
    I bought a bear on April 2 but haven’t received it yet. I don’t mind if it takes more time but can you give me an idea when I can look forward to receiving my little bear.
    Thank you and a hug,

  27. I enjoy your blog very much, and am planning to make some of your bears for my grandbabies this Christmas.
    I would like to support your knitting with a yarn donation as well as with the buying of your patterns and continued reading. It won’t be baby llama, but I do have a stash that needs to be downsized.

  28. Gregory I am pleased to have found your very engaging blog. I look forward to lots more reading here. Regards from Thom at the immortal jukebox (take a break – give it a spin).

  29. A dear family friend just gifted one of your bears to my 10 week old son. It is so beautiful and perfectly crafted! Thank you for sharing your talent and work with the world and I can’t wait to get a near for my preggo friend!

  30. I read your article on Yahoo and I think your creations are wonderfully adorable! I’ve been searching through your blog and Google, trying to find your Etsy shop, but I can’t seem to locate it. Do you have a link to that shop? Or are you no longer selling through their website?

  31. Hi Gregory! I am not a knitter but would love to have two of your boys bunnies. Do yo sell them and if I send the materials will you make them? I would love to share your bunnies with my Grandkids! Thank you so much for sharing!

  32. I am sad that I did not want to learn to knit when my Mom wanted to show me how. Mom is gone now. Someone else will show me how. It is an amazing thing, isn’t it, that you can take string, yarn, “needles” and create way the heck cool stuff!

  33. Hi
    Where can I buy 1 or 2 of the teddy bears? Keep up the good work. I am proud of you for trying so hard. I will have a new “great” grandson by the end of this month and would like to buy a teddy bear for him and maybe for me.
    Bless you
    Sue Flynn of California

  34. Hi,
    I’m very impressed with what you’ve done with your life. Your bears are lovely and provide lots of smiles. So great! Several times as a single mother, I lost a job, and I turned to what I loved doing: cooking for others. I created recipes for food companies, and did some free-lance catering and supplying pastries to small cafes. We draw on our creative reserves when our world seems to be falling apart. Those are the experiences that make us stronger.

    Knitting is one craft that can be solitary or be done with others, and your idea of a Men’s Knitting Circle would create that niche. Years ago, there were many stories about footballer Rosie Grier and his needlework creations, and it was an “AHA” moment for many men.

    I now do bead weaving and knitting, and hope to combine them into interesting works.

    Is there an address to send you yarn?


  35. Greg Patrick!! Wow! THE SAME Gregory Patrick I once met and knew when I was a young adolescent, living in O-town! You’re doing it man! That’s awesome! I just read a blurb about you on Yahoo, which led me to find your web site, and your amazing story! Congrats! On it all! The knitting, the bears, the endless amount of hope and prayers you must have had (or didn’t) – I don’t think I could have done it? Just wanted to send a “shout out” to you, from a ghost of your past – well done, sir! I’m out in Palm Springs, if you ever find yourself in that “neck o’ the woods” – look me up – would love to see ya! Always a fan, Al Walz

  36. WOW! Just read your story on YAHOO; I’m beyond heart warmed, inspired, and delighted to hear that your struggles have a bright ending. There’s so much negativity in the news today and to come across your story; it was like finding a diamond in a coal mine. I was reading the comments above and your replies; you’re so humble, generous, and kind it is absolutely awe inspiring and motivating. The world would be so much better if we conducted ourselves the same way and to be mindful, helpful, and compassionate toward those who are amidst a struggle in their life. I ADORE your bears; especially the first teddy you created. The YAHOO article mentioned ETSY but I wasn’t able to find your page; may I have the link? Is there any way that we can continue to help you (knitting supplies, donation…etc)? Thank you and may you always be blessed with success, hope, and endless happiness ❤

  37. Greetings from the Mitten! I am a Book Ninja at Literati Bookstore, Nice to meet you Knitting Ninja!!
    Beautiful Blog. I love your story about being questioned about what you were doing at Starbucks; people always think that my knitting is needle point too, maybe because of the pointed needles??
    My grandfather knitted, and worked both needlepoint and petit point.
    Both my brothers and I learned how to cross-stitch, sew, knit & braid hair. My brother still uses these skills today. When his co-workers tease him about braiding wires/hemming up our late brother’s jeans instead of buying new pairs/sewing buttons etc in his office (he is a program engineer ) he tells them to back off or he can teach them how….
    I just ordered your hand-knit with ninja needles classic bear!
    Hope you can visit Spun Ann Arbor or Literati Bookstore sometime.
    Knit on Knitting Ninja!
    -Shannon A.

  38. I just discovered your Facebook page and now your blog and your story. I needed to find this, perfect timing. Be well! Peace and all good to you…KR

  39. I found your site due to the Ravelry thing. I so admire your courage and commitment to keep the craft a calm and loving space.

  40. As a person who was homeless for a time, I understand where you’re coming from on that level. You’re article about the art of knitting with a stranger struck home.

  41. Greg,
    I must tell you I have so enjoyed reading your blog over last few years, but especially during the pandemic. I am an old woman, but I am relatively new to knitting. Like you, I live in a warm Southern climate (Austin) where we need bears more than sweaters and mittens, except for maybe 4 weeks out of the year. You are an inspiration, and your blog is delightful! I particularly liked the recent post about your new sewing machine, because your entire rig is just like my late mother’s, down to the set of bobbins, thread collection, and the tomato pin cushion. Your post had me happily strolling down memory lane. It is such a pleasure to read the lovely words of someone who is so positive and kind. Thank you for putting your thoughts into the blogosphere.
    Jan Combs

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