I Was Questioned By The Police

I’m sitting at Starbucks, which I rarely do. Its hard to knit there. I lot of people still find it weird for a man to be knitting in public. But, for us fellas that knit, its nothing short of ordinary. There are MANY people that see us, see what we’re doing and find themselves asking us lots of questions. And they have no problem stopping to ask questions while you’re in the middle of counting.

I’ve been asked on numerous occasion in email if I ever go out to knit with groups or have knitting friends. Sadly, I don’t. I’m too busy counting. I can’t lift my head from the stitches to hear what’s being said. I’m so focused. I’m there with the rows, both knit side and purl sides facing with the work, and the rest of the world falls away into….well, nothing.

So, I’m at said Starbucks working up one of my teddy bears, roughly 8am, figured I was safe, not too many people running in and out. And as I’m working on row 10 of the body of the bear, I see three sets of Orange County Sheriffs officer’s legs approach.

I hear the clearing of a voice, “ahem….What are you doing?”

I look up and see them staring at me strangely. A trio of enormously inquisitive men in their early 30’s pulling up their belts, propping themselves in that “stance.” Authoritative, broad, forceful.

Now, you’ve seen how I look. I imagine I was mistaken for a vagrant and was going to be asked to move along. They do it at Starbucks all the time. Little known secret. You can look rough and sit outside with your coffee and yes, someone will ask you to MOVE on if they think that coffee was left behind by someone else. Even though I’ve paid for the coffee, all it takes is a yuppie couple with a baby feeling “threatened” by the unsavory looking guy outside. “Could you ask him to leave? Did he PAY for that coffee? Or is he just taking up space so we can’t sit out there with our SUV sized baby stroller? Besides he smells of….something (Old Spice) and our little one is allergic……” Happens all the time. They spent a gazillion dollars on a latte and a cappuccino and all I had was a tall coffee, with no room for milk. I’m not as important.

You know how it is. Oh, YOU KNOW how it is….

“What is that you’re doing?” One of the officer’s asked, staring me dead in the face.

“I’m making a teddy bear.”

“But, WHAT is it you’re doing? Is that needlepoint?”

“No! No, it’s knitting.”

“I KNEW IT,” he screamed to the guy to his left! “See? I told you it was knitting! I just never saw anyone do it with 4 needles before. That ain’t needlepoint! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!!!”

“OH! Yeah! Well, its so you can work up stuff without a seam.”

“A teddy bear, you said?”

“Yea…..or socks. You can do all kinds of things if you can work double pointed needles.”

The other two were equally impressed. “I’ve never seen anyone do knitting like that before.”

Ok. So, here is where my own charm popped in. I WANTED to say, “It’s quite common. These are double pointed needles. Its basic knitting 101.”

Oh, no. A trio of hot, burly, sexy virile young deputies????

I replied, “That’s cuz I’m a master, a knitting ninja….,” I twirled one of the double pointed needles between my fingers. “Yeah. Ninja….”

They all laughed, snorting coffee out of their noses and spilling crumpet crumbs to the ground. (Funny, huh? Cops with crumpets? ha ha!) One shook my hand and said, “I’m impressed. I’ve never seen a man knit before…..but I have DEFINITELY  never met a knitting ‘ninja’ before. This your usual time?”

It was about 8am. “Yeah….yeah, it is.”

“Ok, we’ll see you next time…..and if you have any trouble you let us know. Even ninjas need back up.”

Thanks, fellas. I will…..The next time I’m there, I’ll complain about a yuppie couple with a stroller giving me a hard time 🙂

Adopt a teddy bear!  PLEASE!!!!  Mario and I need groceries and such.


    1. Hi yes what fools, I wonder if we are related my surname is also Patrick, im from south africa. first name Ferol (female)

      1. I weave tapestry on a small metal frame, sometimes in public, on trains long distance, sometimes in my doctor’s waiting room, reactions are interesting; women don’t comment, but other men get interested. Real ninja!
        about a minute ago ·

  1. That’s hilarious! Sure wish I could have witnesses that in person. It must have been priceless to see the expressions on their faces.

    1. They were actually really cool. Very kind. Didn’t seem to phase them. I actually think they were quietly settling a bet 🙂 1) Is that needlepoint or knitting. and 2) is he gay or not?

      1. I was raised in the big, tough, Old West-like country of North Dakota, We lived in one of the state’s few cities, Minot, but most of my relatives lived on farms. Back then, there were no Starbucks. But if there were, a male knitting in one of them would have raised a lot of eyebrows. If three cops approached the guy, it would have been most likely to throw him out of the place. Anyway, I enjoyed the post. Thank you. BTW: When I’m feeling a bit richer, I will probably buy a teddy bear. Right now, I don’t feel $35-for-teddy-bear rich but that could change. My e-Book, “Overcome Any Personal Obstacle, Including Alcoholism, By Understanding Your Ego”, available at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/leewriter, is only $3.99. Just sayin’.

  2. How funny! I have a knitting son ( a big burly guy ) who is studying to be an EMT and tonight said, he plans on knitting between calls. He makes hats for the homeless taught to him by his grandma. She knits at the nursing home and gets mad at people asking her “what are you doing?” She also wants me to teach the male nurses to knit because it would be good for them. You knit on at Starbucks!

  3. Hehehe
    Bring an extra set of needles with you. I bet you could convince one of them to take a try — I bet you’ll have the string of them knitting in no time!

  4. That’s funny! I crochet often in public. Do you know what people say to me? “Is that knitting you are doing there?” Errr…uhmmmm….”No.” It REALLY blows their minds if I crochet with thread. 😛

    1. A guy at the hardware store was watching me crochet and said “Crotcheting?” I just smiled and said yeah. He walked away proud of himself.

      1. A hot guy saw me knitting at a concert and asked if I was crocheting. I was surprised at the guess, but he said his grandma had taught him to crochet.

        I figured it had to be something like that, cause this guy was way too out of my league to be hitting on me. 🙂

  5. Thanks for the good laugh…..the may request the Knitting Ninja to come to the station and teach everyone of knit!!!

  6. Greg, That gave me a little giggle. Hey, do you know there is a swimming pool across from my office and I get to see the nice firemen swim and practice their water safety several times a year. It’s a tough job but somebody’s got to do it 🙂 Cindi

  7. My daughter is a knitting ninja. Her *boyfriend* taught her to knit! anyone remember Rosie Grier? He was a massive badass football player who created a stir in the 70s that created a stir by knitting.

  8. As a man that knits, I completely understand your apprehension about their coming up to you and your snarky charsimatic retorts! Love this and thanks for the smile!! Oh, and your bears are totally adorable!!

  9. Cool! While I don’t knit (yet) I do make other lace things. I tat in public a lot and can’t tell you the number of times people come up and think I’m crocheting. *laugh*. Even better is when I’m demonstrating bobbin lace on a big old pillow and they say to a friend, “oh look she’s tatting.” *FACEPALM* I’m a part of a local lace guild & a member of the International Organization of Lace. It’s been so much fun getting to know other lace/handwork people. You are certainly not the only guy out there who knits or makes lace, I know a few.

    Keep at it and don’t let the SUV crowd win!

    1. One friend of the protagonist in Monica Ferris’ series of needle art mystery novels does tatting (and others do crewel and crocheting and knitting). The first book in the series is Crewel World.

  10. I am a knitter and crocheter trying to make a living with my art who also crafts in public and at all hours of the day and night. I just purchased your Christmas bear pattern to make gifts for Operation Christmas Child. I just thought that your bear design has to be the perfect gift for this!

    I am happy to support Indie designers and I NEVER sell anything made from someone else’s pattern. I would be offended if someone sold one of my designs as their own.

    Thank you for sharing your journey and your bears with the rest of us.

  11. Love it. I frequently take a bit of wool and a spindle with me to the laundromat, etc. The fun is the looks I get when I explain that this is how all your clothing starts….so get busy! 🙂

  12. That is awesome! I wish I could knit something mote than just a plain scarf, but being a lefty makes it hard to find someone who can teach me the fancy stuff.

  13. That is such a great story. I just wish I could knit something more than a very basic scarf, but being a lefty make it hard to find a good teacher since I essentially knit backwards.


    1. As a fellow lefty, I can tell you the wonderful truth: get Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Knitting without Tears. Read it. I ended up with bird nests until I read that. Then, I learned Continental, and finished a sweater for my 5 year old in a week. Haven’t looked back!

      1. I agree with Kris. I am a lefty and didn’t even know I knit continental till I just looked it up. You tube is essential for learning knitting!

  14. Most excellent story on perspectives. Also, if you lived here (Arcata, Humboldt County, California – behind the Redwood Curtain), you’d be one of the clean-cut types. Just sayin’.

    Knit on!

  15. I am sincerely impressed by this… I was so expecting the cops to be @ssholes to you over it.. mocking the perceived effeminacy of “knitting”.

    Completely stoked that I was wrong!

  16. This is not the knitter you are looking for! May the knitting force every be in your favor! (bwaahaa, I think I am funny) great story, thank you for sharing!

  17. Man… I was so expecting to hear it go the opposite direction. It’s nice to see a little awesomeness out there every once in a while.

    And yeah, from one guy who knits to another, I know how it goes. 🙂

  18. Oh, my, this must be the best blog post I’ve read in a while! Although I’m not a mad man, I should take 4 needles and go knit at a coffee shop, just to check stares 🙂 Thank you for sharing this charming story!

  19. There’s likely some off-color joke here about knitting them each a “cop warmer” but thank goodness I’m FAR too classy to find such humor at ALL amusing.

    Rather, I’d just like to say thank you for a sliver of good news in a world so pre-occupied with its problems.

  20. I’m a waldorf handwork teacher. My son LOVES to crochet and cross stitch. People stop all the time and just stare at him and ask what he’s doing. Totally funny. My last job I was a welder when I’d show up at work sites all the men would stop and just stare and ask why I was there. Here we are the sexism , I get its funny its all that. My son is confused why do they think its weird that I’m crochet a beanie for my uncle? For now we are in isolated Santa Barbara where you can walk barefoot through the streets and my little boy doesn’t get it.Yet.

  21. This really made me smile 🙂 So glad to hear of a man who knits (which is only uncommon since after the First World War). I would love if my husband knitted, but alas he has no patience for it.


  22. This brightened my day. What a laugh! I taught my boy to knit and he got his scout handicraft badge for a jumper he made when he was 11. I knit with DPNs all the time and had many a conversation over them…none as funny as yours though! Off to Zimbabwe in Jan to spread the knitting bug with AIDS orphans. I should come back with a tale or two.

  23. I am a knitter – I have been knitting since I was a teenager (which is more years ago than I care to remember), and I still haven’t mastered knitting on 4 double pointed needles – so respect!!

    I keep saying this year will be the year when I do get to grips with them – everyone else in my knitting group can knit socks, but I can’t and I feel so left out.

    PS – I would love to come and sit and knit with you, but unfortunately Scotland is a bit far away from you.

  24. Hey, I knit in public all the time (and I’m a guy): airports, church, Dr.s’ offices, etc. I have found that most people really appreciate it. To be honest, it is very male-brain oriented: very mathematical and very logical. If more men tried it, more men would do it. Additionally, it helps with my ADHD -I can actually hear and retain what is being said in church rather than drifting off into the long and twisting caverns of my head.

    As an aside: men, want to meet more women? Knit is public. It’s amazing how many women (and guys, for that matter) approach me and strike up conversations. Fortunately, though, I am happily married to the most phenomenal and capable woman imaginable, the perfect match for my personality.

  25. Keep on knitting! The last paragraph about couples with strollers made my day. They are everywhere: blocking the middle doors in busses and trams, aisles in stores and cafes. Aaarrrggghh!

  26. I knit sox…. Amazing how many pairs of socks get sold when the person actually sees you knitting them! The bears are very cute… but my husband says there isn’t room for anymore bears in the house!

  27. Adorable story! Ninja…haha! Got a panda for the hubs. He’ll love it. I’ll send pics of him squeezing it to death lol 😀

  28. When my nephews were young they called me Ninja Auntie because of my magical dpns. They especially loved it when I knit gloves and would let them try on a pair in progress. I have enticed a lot of non-knitters to learn the craft by letting them try on a WIP — the look of wonder on a child’s face when he realizes HE COULD DO THIS TOO is divine.

  29. I ran across this article and was amused but then as I started reading more about you and what you do I was inspired. Well done I’m glad I found you…I will be buying your books and perhaps trying to convert your pattern to loom knit! Thanks for sharing and being you! Nothing is more beautiful than that.

  30. Awesome!
    I do my crochet in public from time to time and I’ve been taking my work to craft fairs where I’ve found I actually have to be in the process of clearly making something similar to what I have on the table for the people who walk past it to really genuinely think that it’s possible that I’ve made any of it myself… but then, being a 6’2, scruffy lookin’ guy with blue dreadlocks and wearing a long black coat isn’t exactly who they imagine would crochet hats or scarves, let alone delicate lace jewellery or roses for your hair.

    I’ll pick up a bear start of november. Support a fellow madman. Got a niece that needs an awesome xmas present.

  31. I have a beautiful baby blanket that was knit by a wonderful gentleman that I used to work with. I treasure it, 1) because it’s beautiful, and 2) a man made it – even if that sounds sexist, and by the time I had my son, my mother stopped knitting due to arthritis. I thought you were going to be busted by the big burly men, but love their response!

  32. My Uncle Lloyd was a large powerfully built man with great big hands. He loved to sit on my Grandma’s porch swing in western Illinois and knit. The joke in town went like this: “”What do you say when you see Lloyd knitting in that swing?”
    Answer: “Evenin’ Lloyd!” I grew up around men who knit, like my uncle – who taught me, so I guess I just never questioned it?

  33. How fun! My 10 year old son crochets. He’s always being questioned by adults and children. They all think it’s neat. (My son crochets video game characters.)

  34. Well done, sir! The knitting community salutes you! Those are some marvellous bears you’ve got. I’ve found that if this is the second of something I’m working on, bringing along the first completed one as an example is useful. Plus you can show how three DPN (or do you use circs?) hold the knitting open in a tube while you scoot the stitches along with the fourth. When I knitted up lace pi shawls I actually kept a balloon in the shawl, so I could blow up the balloon and faux-block in order to see what the lace pattern was doing.

    If you’re not already, please join us fellow fibre crafters at ravelry.com

  35. Wow that’s awesome. 🙂 I have yet to work up the nerve to knit in public. I’ll do it at friends’ houses if we’re hanging out, but for a while I wanted to take it to work with me to work on during breaks but I took up blogging instead to fill those spaces.

  36. Wonderful reaction – and wonderfully told! Knitting ninja is perfect!

    I knit … or should say that my wonderful husband pulled me back into knitting after about 20 years off. We knit in public … on the Metro to and from work … at a local restaurant with a friend … and other places. It’s always funny when one of us notices someone watching us!

  37. Are you familiar with the north woods logger tradition of knitting ? All these Paul Bunyans were knitters , they had no choice. Wool was essential to keep them warm and they were off to hell and gone in the woods. If they wanted socks ,and they did, they had to knit. Any logging camp before ww2 was full of knitters, in English , French and Finnish.

  38. Of course I knit at a San Bruno (CA) Starbucks but after 8 years I don’t recall ever seeing a group of cute deputies/officers for that matter. I’ve knitted everything from doilies, toys, body parts to various apparel. The toys always get the most attention especially from the under 7 crowd. Happy knitting!!! 🙂

  39. Thanks for the laugh. One question – What are the standards required for one to achieve Knitting Ninja certification?

  40. I hate strollers!!! I’m a mother of two and I can count on one hand how many times I used a stroller. They are big, bulky, obnoxious. The children get to stare at everyone’s knees?!?!. I wore both my kids in a baby wrap and it was easier, more convenient and I didn’t run over or into anyone! I would pay to see you complain about one of those gigantor strollers! Even as a young woman knitter people stare…..I knit at the indoor playgrounds at the mall and I still pay better attention to my kids than the moms playing on their smart phones. Help end the fear of knitters! Knit in public! (Or is that the slogan for breast feeding?)

  41. You young men with your new fangled knitting! When I was a lad we used to go to pubs, abuse women and start fight in our spare time.

    How are we going to keep an army of trained killers, ready to go abroad and murder foreigners at the whim of our political class, if men start knitting?

  42. Excellent story. I reshared on Google Plus and Twitter and folks loved it. Nice writing style. I don’t get too many comments any longer on the train, as most regular riders have probably seen me knitting as it’s been 5 years or so since I started! My favorite story was when I was chatted up by a woman from the mountains of South America who didn’t know that knitting was known outside her region of the world… she was amazed that foreigners knit, too!

  43. I thought the cops were going to give you a hard time. It’s nice to know that I have too many assumptions I need to question and being a crochet guy myself I need the courage to do this in public. Thanks

  44. I just read this post on the Huffington Post and I loved it! I love your teddy bears by the way! I am an enthusiast knitter ( and a gender studies scholar in a former life…) and I must say living in France, and being French, I have never seen or heard of a guy knitting before… I even get told that knitting is for old ladies, so men, no way! I was therefore very happy to find your blog. It is nice to see that people do what they love without paying attention to what others might potentially think (when they probably don’t even think that anyway!). I wish you all the very best!

  45. This was great to read. I knit all the time now in public and I’m amazed that hardly no one questions it. I even bring it on planes (domestic AND international) and have never been questioned by security. I did get a free drink once from a flight attendant because she said I’m the first male knitter she’s come across.
    I also use the DPNs for making argyle socks. I think people are intrigued, especially when we do it well.

      1. I’ve always been very wary about taking knitting into the cabin on planes. Have you ever come across an airline or airport where they have been awkward?

  46. I crochet in public all the time… It’s a great way to sell your stuff! Make sure you have your completed stuff with you and it’ll sell.

  47. The link to this blog post was shared by a friend of mine on Facebook. I owe her big time for sharing.

    I’ve never “subscribed” to a blog in all of my years on the internet. Until now.

    Men with double-pointed needle skills set my heart aflutter. 😉

  48. I enjoyed your post. Great twist. Being a self-proclaimed Ninja is awesome! I am a self-proclaimed super-hero (it started at a very young age). The biggest challenge is hiding the cape. I would imagine for you it would be your Ninja sword….or are your Ninja weapons merely disguised as knitting needles. Hmmmm. Things to ponder….

  49. I’ve often thought that it ought to be possible to get a black belt in knitting. It requires the same focus and dedication and repetition as martial arts 🙂 (I should know, I knit and do karate)

    Thanks for the smile 😀

  50. Great! I go into hospital a few times, the first time I was crocheting a cardigan, the next time I was knitting a sock on 4 double pointers. The doctors get mighty impressed and they did not know you could knit on 4 needles.

  51. Fantastic blog. Someone posted it to Knitting Paradise today so all 80,000 (or so) knitters could enjoy. If you aren’t already a member, please join. We need more male knitters and we definitely need more folks with such a great sense of humor.
    What, no SUV stroller for your teddies?

  52. Found your blog through ireddit, glad I stumbled…
    I lived in SAV and found a similar fate except it was my mother and I worked for valuejet…
    Life sucked for a bit after that.
    I’m looking forward to reading your books, and your bears have convinced me to take up knitting… I’m an OCD counter, so it sounds like I may be right p my alley!
    Best of luck, your an inspiration Gregory thanks!

  53. Great story – thank you for the laugh! I find people always ask ‘what are you doing?” Once I was asked, ‘why?’ What is the answer to that? “Because I can?” LOL….

  54. I think it’s wonderful what you do. I started knitting last year and do it on my way to classes on the bus. It’s very relaxing. I agree, you can get lost in time with it. Enjoy and welcome to the knitters club….

  55. I would love to order a Teddy Bear, but the page says they’re sold out. Can I add my name to your backorder list? Thanks. 🙂

  56. I crochet lots of little goodies and I get asked constantly what I’m knitting haha. I haven’t knitted in years! It’s always funny to see the look on peoples faces when I whip out my hook and a skein of yarn. I rather enjoyed your story I needed a laugh!

  57. Found your post after a friend shared on facebook. Its one of the funniest posts I’ve ever read thanks for telling everyone about your quiet little venture to Starbucks Knitting Ninja

  58. Really enjoyed reading your article which a friend reposted on Facebook. Many years ago when helping teach 7-8 yr olds I decided to teach them all (boys snd girls) to knit. I asked them to bring needles from home and only had ONE complaint, out of a class of 35, and that was by the mother of the class bully!!! Keep up the good work. 🙂

  59. I loved this post. I certainly hope things turn around for you soon. Keep fighting the good fight and keep knitting. Sending you love.

  60. Love it. I was in our “Arts Centre” in town and as part of the mental health day they had a “Big Knit” going on, using needles that were about 2″ in diameter. The lady looked at me and in a patronising tone, said “aaar, would you like to attempt this love”. Hearing here tone I said yes, sat down, picked up the knitting, and just as she started to tell me how to knit “what you do love is…”, I started knitting at great speed, looking here dead in the eyes, and responded with “Yes?”. The world needs to realise us blokes are great at knitting, just wished my encounter was like yours.

  61. haha just made my day! while im able to crochet and knit im better with my hook then with the needles, but even though i explain what im doing every one gets knitting confused with crocheting every time!

  62. Congrats on Huffpost listing! I like your writing.
    I have always called my DPNs “ninja needles”!!
    Let me know if you want to learn to knit one tube (leg, body, arm) inside another, simultaneously. Get more bears made faster!

  63. I found your story on Facebook and had to chuckle at the scenario you were in. I have never personally met a man that knitted, I think it is great that you are so open about your passion! As an artist I know we do what we love no matter what others think, we do put ourselves out there to be ridiculed sometimes but there is great gain to it as well. You have inspired others by being so confident in your own self!

  64. I’m pretty shaggy myself. Hair halfway down my back and an unkempt beard just past my nipples. I’ve never been asked to leave a place, but the staff behind the counter regularly assume I want my food ‘to go’ without asking.

  65. Great article – I live in Orange County, CA. Have you ever tried knitting two items on one set of needles? I did it with 2 hats, and then I got crazy and knit the sleeves of my hoodie that way. Just so I could say I was a ‘Knitting Wizard’ (technically should be Witch, but I like the sound of Wizard better). FYI – it took me twice as long to knit the sleeves that way – I had to do a lot on unknitting when I goofed and picked up the wrong stitch or overlapped the yarns. 🙂 So, I won’t do that again.
    People also look at you strangely when you’re using a circular needle, or two circulars to knit a pair of socks.
    Happy knitting!

  66. I prefer to meet my friend in the McDonald in Pine Hills than to sit Starbucks. We sit and crochet while I drink coffee and she has tea. I am a grandmother and she has grown sons. But I have been asked to not sit so long in a Starbucks in Orlando because others wanted to use the table to read or use a computer. I happen to like the coffee better at McDonald’s than Starbucks also.
    I crochet and hold a conversation with people. I can do that because I have trained myself to do so. Panera Bread is a good place to have people come by and interrupt me. I never crochet anything in public that is going to take me following a pattern that I have to read and follow along while I am out.

  67. Hello 🙂
    I went to the teddy bear shop, and noticed that they are all sold out. Are you fully booked for the next while, or should people e-mail you to place orders?

  68. Absolutely brilliant 🙂 You’ve made my day with this post (I was linked to it via FB) and when I was linked to it I expected an awful outcome. My partner is learning how to crochet and we find the reaction we get from people when they are told hilarious, even though we live in an area where a lot of men do knit and crochet in public!

  69. You made me chuckle, well done you!
    I love to see people knitting in public, and whether I am knitting or crocheting someone always comes up interested and asks questions!
    I even got applause from an Italian Fe
    gentleman on the bus as I was knitting a sock on 4 pins.
    Keep on knitting!

  70. I came upon your blog via the HuffPost, and wow. I have to say you are kinda awesome. I see that your shop is completely sold out, so I hope there’s now some groceries on the table. 😉 I hope you continue to make teddy bears, and the next time my husband is deployed, I’d like to buy a bear for each one of my kids for when he’s gone. And I have a lot of kids….. Thanks for being awesome.

  71. Loved your near-arrest story. That is hilarious. My six-year-old son loves to knit. He can even do Cables without help. This is in between the moments when he’s asking me if I would make another gun holster or chaps. I’m working on an Aran jumper for him now. He tried it on last night with one sleeve nearly done and the double points sticking out, looking like something from a Ninja tale. He thought that was pretty cool.

  72. This made my afternoon. Chalk it up to me being a practiced cynic who is skeptical of much of law enforcment or simply that it was masterfully written. Either way, it deserves recognition.

  73. Haha cute! Last week I went to buy some wool and the shopkeeper was a man. He gave me so many tips, explained so many things, showed me some of the things he made and ensured I could come back anytime if I needed help. He was great! Maybe he was also a knitting ninja…
    Has the teddy bear been adopted yet?

  74. Thanks for the fun story, Knitting Ninja! I should learn to knit so that I, too, can be questioned by the police. 😉

  75. Thank you for that. Made me smile. Seemed smooth and effortless, which is no small achievement in my eyes – there are so many posts TRYING HARD to by funny 😉
    Best of luck with your ninja knitting!

  76. Soo good, — cops? at a distance one followed me for 30 miles, finally stopped me even though I was in a hurry to get to a business before they closed.

    I just wanted to have a better look at your corvette. Yeah, thanks.
    Oh , take it easy, you’re pushing the limit. Yeah, I know. I did the math — 3600 divided by the number of seconds it takes to go a measured mile equals the MPH.

    I knitted a rectangle once after watching my wife make a sweater. She asked, What is it? Well, I’m going to attach these opposing edges, see, it’s a mitten.

  77. In the days of sailing ships, most of the below-decks sailors knit. There were often months at sea with lots of excess time to pass. Sailors would knit things that they could then trade for goods to bring back to their home port and sell.

    The King of Kandi (Sri Lanka) used to kidnap white sailors and keep them in his villages as curiosities…sort of a private zoo. Villagers were ordered to feed and house his white sailors. The sailors knit things and sold them to earn cash. They did so well at this that when the Portuguese sent troops to liberate the captives, many of them refused to leave Sri Lanka. They prospered, and if you open a Sri Lankan phone book today, you’ll see many, many Portuguese names in it…their descendants.

  78. tickled. mostly because I never had the patience for knitting. I could barely sit through crocheting a chain of yarn into anything more than a miniature jump rope. enjoyed the twist .

  79. Love the reply about you being a knitting ninja really made me smile and I’d be impressed too only thing I’ve ever made is a holey scarf (it wasn’t meant to have holes in it) haven’t attempted knitting since.

  80. hehe! there are so many people sitting in coffee shops these days, doing other stuff not related to sipping coffee. Yesterday I observed a man job hunting with all his papers spread out carefully and a coffee mug in the corner, untouched. I am guilty as charged to say he was drawn attention to by me. Enjoyable to read thank you!

  81. Brilliant, and not at all how I expected this to turn out… I’d an Ex-Infantryman living in Ontario, Canada. About 2 weeks ago I was out on a photo run. Found myself staring at this gorgeous ravine full of Autumn Trees (yellow, orange, fiery reds… Lovely!). I do what any other Photographer would do, whipped out my camera and started shooting!

    What I did not realize 1) I was out front of the local OPP Dispatch 2) I had a black SUV (OPP Marked, but discrete) coming my way. Sadly, I have no punchline to my story, just glad I did not get the cuffed tour!

  82. Terrific. I am an avid knitter from childhood and I love the craft. Kaffe Fassett is a male knitter who made quite a living out of knitting. It’s a skill that’s dying out and we need to keep it going. You gave me laugh knitting Ninja.

  83. Wonderful post – so happy to see a warm combo of craft, coffee and law enforcement. I did a little post recently on ‘kitting for peace’ and acknowledged the sisters – and brothers – who are protagonists for knitting for a better world. If only more people would just knit or take on any sore of craft what a happy lot we would all be..

  84. That story is JUST GREAT! I have been watching my lovely wife knit for over 40 years, I can tell her when she is going wrong, i can count stitches and know the difference between purl and plain, and even know what she means with yarn-over. But… I’ve never knitted. Perhaps I’ll try before i shuffle off this mortal coil. Oh, she nearly got turfed off an aeroplane because she was knitting, she now knits on plastic aeroplane teaspoons and thumbs her nose at the hostesses who look pained. Cheers. Tony

  85. This is cute. I’m so glad it went in a different direction than I thought it would at the beginning. I had a male professor who would knit in public and he said he got approached all the time too.

  86. I admire you for your courage. Maybe folk are more accepting where you live. Maybe I’m just not ready to be in public. But for now, I’ll just knit in church and the library…. And why aren’t you using circular needles?

  87. We ninjas do need backup sometimes. That’s pretty awesome that you can make a bear. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed

  88. Reblogged this on and commented:
    What do I like most about this post?
    His witty humor? Yes.
    His comments about the “yuppies” and the “SUV sized baby stroller”. Absolutely.
    But the best part about this post is that he calls himself “a knitting ninja”.

    …badass, my friend.

  89. Knitting ninja… makes me think of the Canadian movie ‘Men with Brooms’ for some reason… I’m glad I found your blog!

  90. When I was in Bolivia at Lake Titicaca, many of the men of the village I visited were knitting. They knitted while steering a boat with their feet, while herding sheep and while chatting to friends. What’s more they knit hats according to their marital or official status. So single guys need red caps. Government officials get crazy, multicoloured numbers. My kids go to a Steiner/Waldorf school where everyone, including boys, are taught to knit. So I’m sure you have many kindred spirits out there.

  91. I have to say that if I came across a guy knitting I’d probably be surprised, yet think it awesome. It’s kinda like being a young woman and people being surprised seeing me knitting and thinking its only for old ladies.

  92. What a wonderful story. Thanks for making my morning a little brighter. I look forward to following your adventures. Think you may inspire me to pick up my double-pointed needles again.

  93. A quiet fan here. Love this story (and your bears) and just shared on my FB, where I have shared your bears a number of times. 🙂 By the way, my cousin’s teen-aged sons knitted with her as they kept her company during chemo.

  94. Your bears look like love feels. I can’t wait to take a little time to read more posts and check out your website. I’m going to share your blog to facebook!

  95. I’ve known a knitting man or two. Even one that learned to shear and spin the fleece. But not sure any would have the bravery to go to the local Starbucks and put their talent on display. Well done you. And congrats for being shared in Huffington Post!

  96. Reblogged this on Brenna's Beans and commented:
    I’ve never seen a man knit before either, but this guy took an awkward situation & made it funny. Way to go & rock on, dude! I, for one, can’t knit to save my life, but I can crochet (okay, so I only know two stitches lol). I think it’s pretty cool for this guy to say “who cares what anyone else thinks,” and do his own thing. If there were more men like him, do you think society would be more open to doing away with gender roles & possibly have gender equality? My hope is yes, but I’m sure the probability of that happening in my lifetime is very slim.

    Have a nice day, and I hope you all get a kick out this story 🙂

  97. You go knitting Ninja! 🙂 I can’t knit but I can crochet, I tried to convince my hubby but he having none of it…maybe I’ll show him this post 😉 Then he will know it’s okay for guys to knit or crochet!!

  98. Very impressive! I’ve just started knitting and my son who’s 11 has too. We’re still on scarves and blankets but want to learn patterns like cable stitch. He worried about what people would think because he’s a boy. We told him if he enjoys it then who cares what anyone thinks. He is very creative, does origami, legos, paracord bracelets anything he can get his hands on to make. He also does Brazilian jujitsu too. Showing him this helped too. Keep up the great work!

  99. I was taught to cross-stitch by an ex-boyfriend. I don’t really cross-stitch in public because it takes so much concentration and I work faster at home, but when I do take a project out in public with me people always want to see it. I put aside my Nefertiti piece last year because I needed a break from the Metallic Thread Of Doom, but I’m working on a David Bowie/Jareth piece for my Mum, and a ballerina for me, just because I love stitching people 🙂

  100. What a charming story! How nice that even young police officers can be so eager. And I love that you knit teddies. I never saw people driven away from our Starbucks here (in Edinburgh) and hope things got better in the meantime. Sadly, I never see our knitting guys, though they do exist. Go on, have fun, not as an icon of male knitting but just for the joy of it! 🙂
    All the best from Scotland.

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