I Won Christmas This Year!

My grandmother switched to drinking tea somewhere around the year 2000. She was so delighted with the whole process of brewing, steeping, presenting, then sipping. Because of that she developed this beautiful love for tea pots and began to collect them. It wasn’t often, but when a pretty pot crossed her path she snatched it up, displayed it…but, never really used it. No, she had her favorite pot that she drank her daily tea out of, so these other pots on shelves were an acclaimed admiration for the art of tea drinking itself. (My grandparents lived in Japan for a few years in the 1950’s. Tea wasn’t new to them).

I remember one Christmas nearly our entire family was in attendance, which is rare. My grandparents were there and I hadn’t seen them in quite a while. The magic of the day begins as we start ripping up packages left and right. No flow to it, just everyone being handed their gifts and delighting in the surprise. I give my grandmother her gift and sit back. The room is noisy with joy and laughter. My grandmother was the matriarch of our clan, the eye at the top of the pyramid. So, when she shrieked, “Oh, Bobby, look!” everyone in the room stood still. Anytime she raised her voice, we all calmly stopped what we were doing to hear what our dowager had to say.

She pulled out of her gift box a small, white, porcelain tea pot with a very bulbous base and a long fluted spout, all etched with tiny blue flowers. She exclaimed with delight, “It’s an odd shaped tea pot from Gregory!” She held it in her hands, spent quite a while admiring its shape….with a smile. At one point she looked at me in much the same way you recognize that this someone saw you, got you, heard you, understood you.

I sat back and looked at everyone in my family with a grin, thinking to myself, “HA HA! I WIN CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR!” I got our granny not just a gift, but the gift of the year. 🙂

Granny has been dead for about 20 years now and as every year, my mother famously asked what I wanted for Christmas. To make things easy I said, “Just pick something off my amazon wish list.”  Then my mother and I began waxing sentimental and I remembered that year I found my grandmother a great tea pot. I mentioned that I no longer drink coffee. Don’t know why, but it doesn’t fit my palate anymore. So, I’ve also switched to tea and drink quite a lot of it. My favorite is at the end of the evening, just before bed having a cup of Bigelow’s Constant Comment with honey, lemon, and just a splash of Southern Comfort. My own little end of day toddy.

I then giggled and said to my mother, “Funny. I suddenly feel the desire to find pretty tea pots that cross my path….”

My mother was sweet and sincere grabbing a few things off my wish list, but then this appeared in the mail. My granny’s hand was on my shoulder as I pulled it out of the box. There are so many things that these hands do that recall my grandmother. She never taught me to knit, to crochet, to sew, or how to drink tea. These things came natural to me because her spirit and love of artistry runs through my fingers. The minute I pulled the tea pot out of the box I exclaimed, “Oh, Phillip! It’s a tea pot from my mother!!!”

And my mother can rest assured as she sits back, that she won Christmas this year 🙂 Love you mom !

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The First Step in a Profession

I was watching a youtube video of novice monks making their profession, to be a part of a community of brothers who wish to do nothing other than come into company and pray, not only with their silent observance, but of their combined work, as well. There were four novices, new to the monastic world, kneeling before God. And I heard the most beautiful words asked of the other monks. “Will you accept them into our community?”

And the monks replied, “We accept them. We love them. Thanks be to God.” And suddenly, a roar of applause from their new brothers.  You could feel that wave of love wash over everyone. No severity, only brevity. Quick and sudden. This is the first step in being a monk: accepting love before you can give it. You cannot give love to others if you won’t allow yourself to be loved first. 

I caught myself crying while watching that video because I felt I was never going to experience this moment of taking vows, this same inclusion into a community of love and connection. Then the little voice said, “Gregory, have you taken notice of yourself? For you have taken vows. You have already experienced this….You DO live in a community of people who love you, as do I.”

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The Show is Almost Over, Isn’t it?

I guess I should start thinking about my birthday….

We tend to have this long slide of holiday cheer around here this time of year. We move on from Christmas to New Year’s, then my birthday just days after (January 4th), then settle up somewhere around epiphany (January 6th).

This year is a little different. It’s a milestone birthday. I’m going to turn 50. 

I was venting to Phillip last night, just one of those random gasps when you realize you’re turning…..50.

“Could everything just slow down for a minute? I mean, come on! These last 50 years have just flown by! And I’m terrified! Yes, I will admit that I am positively terrified….The show is almost over, isn’t it, sweetheart? At some point the show has to end….and I’m terrified of that.”

I can’t think of any human who doesn’t recognize that getting older means getting closer to the show being over. Vacation time, school time, this party time, this time to experience has to end at some point…At some point you have to go home. I won’t lie. Like any one of you, I’m terrified that this beautiful trip here will be done before I even get started. Can you blame me? It seems the older I get, the better I get at being perfectly me…and I can’t wait to see the possibilities of just who that is. 

So, my birthday is coming up and I’m supposed to think about how I could, can, should celebrate. My grandmother famously asked of anyone annoyed at having a pending birthday, “Well, have you considered the alternative?”

I don’t know what I want to do for my birthday. A big part of me wants it to be a small occasion. A small part of me wants it to be the most outlandish thing you’ve ever seen 🙂

I guess we’ll see….

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Phillip’s Advent Adventure

We’re scaling down Christmas this year. Instead of a big, fat, full of gifts day, we’ve been playing with little gifts throughout the season. I grew up in Europe. Christmas is nothing but a blessing of advent calendars, three or four of them if you can, ready to be opened and loved every single morning. 

Phillip has never experienced that. To him, Christmas is one day, one day only….and after lunch, Christmas is over.

So I was adamant that he know that particular sort of joy I had growing up as a kid in Europe, tugging at all of those beautiful traditions. (I remember putting my shoes outside our apartment when I was in third grade, waiting for St. Nicholas to leave me either candy or coal). You don’t have to wait until Christmas Day, you can give and gift (and happily receive!) and celebrate today.

So we were blessed with two advent calendars. One with chocolates, one with Funko Pops from the Marvel Universe. 

Phillip asks, “So, how does this work again?”

“Well, you start with day one of advent. You open that window and enjoy your gift!”

He pops open the chocolate calendar first, unwraps a little foiled Santa and greedily mows down. “MMM! GOOD!”

Then, with suspicion, he reaches for the Funko. He cracks open window number one and pulls out a red wrapped little treasure. Ha! He’s so anxious he opens it with his teeth! 

Plop onto the floor drops the most adorably detailed Groot you’ve ever seen. The both of us sat back with true admiration. 

Phillip asks with beautiful wide, fantastic eyes, “And this is just day ONE???” 

I smile and giggle and affirm.

He didn’t make it the 24 days. I couldn’t stop him, didn’t want to. He’d come home from work, soiled, tired. He’d shower, he’d eat, he’d rest on the couch and ask, “Do I really have to wait every day? I’d love to open another one….”

I’d cave. I’d done the same as a kid. I just didn’t have the patience. And besides, I loved watching his face fill with joy.

So, Phillip and I have ripped through our advent calendars.

We just couldn’t wait to celebrate. 🙂

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I Won’t Be Walking By Anymore

For some reason we have a parade of homeless men that walk up and down Washington Street. On the west end is Lake Eola. I get it. That’s where they all spend the day. Here on the east end? I can’t figure out why they daily come walking by. (Angelic reminders?)

Anyway, I sit here writing and knitting, precariously staring out this giant picture window, watching the world. So, I see them. I notice them. There was one man in particular I often saw walking by.

I had a stack of books I had read and had been done with and offered them up in the front yard with a sign. “Free to good home!”

This one homeless man I saw walk by (shopping cart and all) stopped, perused my books and picked up one about the Reformation. I sat here laughing. “Wait! You don’t want The Confessions of a Shopaholic???” No. He picked up the book about the Reformation. So, I took notice of him whenever he walked by.

Then I noticed today that he had NOT walked by in a while. And upon that recognition, it felt there was a scent that passed through the air. I asked, “Brother, who are you?” And the aroma replied, “Just someone passing by a friendly guidepost on my way to the light…”

His spirit graciously said that he wouldn’t be walking by anymore….

Bless you, brother.

Let the Universe Surprise You!

We have to start with the sad part before we get to the good part, so hang with 🙂

Kara and I have been friends for nearly 25 years now. She just lives down the street. We had a falling out a while back, maybe about a year ago. I don’t blame her (and I certainly hope she doesn’t blame me), but outside forces seemed to have split us up. For two decades we never had a problem, loved each other dearly, tended to each other’s needs, and helped each other any way we could….Then politics got involved. The daily message of hate from our media sources got the best of us, broke our friendship (but, hopefully mendable), and we no longer spoke. I went from sharing my happiest days with her to wanting to avoid her. And as with all good friendships, it seemed she had done the same. She quit calling….as did I.

And as with many spats, conversations kept tripping me up. I was having dialogue with her in my head long after she was gone, arguing with her about things we had already argued about….In other words, she stayed in my head long after she had gone, but instead of her being there in a beautiful place, I kept picking fights with her.

Then I heard the little voice. “You’re spending FAR too much time arguing with her. Wish her well. After all, she IS your friend.”

So, I sent her an email, a friendly hello. “Just checking in on you. Hope you are well.”

Now, let’s get to the good part 🙂 (I’m giggling, because I know what happens next!)

I went shopping. I hit Hobby Lobby for some ribbon, saw some sock yarn, let it go. I’ve got plenty, but….truly wanted to snatch up a few colors. Didn’t feel it was in my budget. Hit Total Wine next. Phillip and I enjoy sipping Southern Comfort at the end of the day, sometimes mixed in with a cup of Constant Comment tea. I saw a bottle of gluhwein. (Yes, I know I’m using tons of words none of you have heard of before….)

Gluhwein has always been one of my best memories of living in Germany. Ski slopes, snow, chilly air. With a sunburned face I’d sip on that warm, beautiful wine all day. Gluhwein reminds me of winter. (Excuse me.) It reminds of me of GOOD winters.

Saw a bottle of it as I was waiting in line at Total Wine to buy our SoCo. And again, my head went to….”umm, maybe next time.”

I came home, checked my emails and I’ll be damned. Kara replied. “Yes, I’m doing just fine. Hope you are, too. I’m heading by your house soon. May I drop something off?”

Well yes! I want to see you! I want you in my life again you silly woman!

Not having known ANYTHING (at all!) about my day, she brought me a bottle of gluhwein and two skeins of sock yarn….And I can’t help but giggle!

Let the Universe surprise you! 🙂

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Happy Thankschili!

So, I decided to shop for our Thanksgiving dinner this morning. Man was a I surprised. (Actually, I kinda wasn’t).

I do all the shopping around here, so I’ve seen the prices of things sky rocket. Like eggs, for instance. I buy a LOT of eggs. Its a quick easy protein and you all know that my 110 pound body needs all the protein it can get. (I love making shakshuka, or eggs poached in marina. TRY IT!) But, eggs alone have gone from $1.50 a dozen to nearly $5. We’re thinking of getting some chickens. We have plenty of room in the backyard for a coup.

We usually have meatloaf, mashed potatoes and peas for Thanksgiving, but not this year. Just the price of ground beef set us both into a tail spin. And so we refused the notion that this is what we are supposed to do, rather than just be grateful for what we have or for just the day together.

So, we slimmed down our grocery list and decided to make chili with sausage (only $3!), and the cans of rotel, the beans, and spices were all “buy one, get one free.” (I love me some BOGOS!) So, we have plenty to toss in the crockpot for Thanksgiving dinner, the left overs will last us a few days, then we have a back up supply to make another batch some other day.

We’re actually looking forward to it, for another of our traditions is watching disaster films on Thanksgiving. We love good CGI films and there is nothing better than watching a movie about a giant earthquake, where thousands of people are plunged into a crevice, structures collapse, and heroes die….only so you can sit back and go, “Whew! Thankful that ain’t me! Pass me some more chili. OH! And pause the movie, I have to pee.”

Adaptation. Shifting things up. Just exactly who said we have to have Turkey and trimmings for Thanksgiving? I don’t recall any Thanksgiving dinner at my grandmother’s where a turkey was present. She would do all sorts of fun and interesting, or beloved dishes, that they never had very often. Steamed oysters from a pit out back, or a pig picking, or kampong chicken. I don’t ever remember having turkey, so maybe it’s justifiable that I never think of Thanksgiving as “turkey day.”

Besides, the one thing we haven’t had in a while is a home cooked meal. The aroma of a long day, simmering stew has been absent around here. I think it is probably the one thing that keeps a house from becoming a home….that smell upon entering of something delicious welcoming you. If a house doesn’t have that, it never really becomes a home.

Phillip brings food home from the restaurant, so we basically eat take out every night. And you can only take so many burgers and chicken fingers before you feel redundant.

So, we’re both looking forward to Thanksgiving, cuddled up with some chili in our pajamas, sipping a little Southern Comfort….and watching civilization being destroyed by aliens!

Please be safe if you are travelling, love the ones you spend the day with, and for Pete’s sake, talk to each other about things that make you both laugh and feel joyful. After all, the whole point of the day is to say, “I am so grateful, thankful, you are in my life and that we are sharing this great meal and wonderful day together.” 🙂

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Scribbling Thoughts

These long digits of mine have a tendency to pound at this keyboard, slamming down words like a pianist smashing the ivories….Dramatic! Long and loud! An opus every time!

I had forgotten what it was like to hold a pen in my hand, to scribble things down on paper, even if it be nothing more than a random thought. I was at Hobby Lobby and found a pack of 100 cards for $1. So I picked them up, took them home, let them sit for a good long while….and almost by instinct I started writing things down.

What a delight. What a great time of reflection and honesty.

What I find beautiful in these penned cards is that these words are first intended for me. You get to read them, but they are distinctly messages for me to write, then read….then hopefully understand.

Scripting by hand has been one of those beautiful moments where I see a blank piece of paper, then hear that little voice in my head whisper at inspiration, asking that I just listen for a minute…then allow whatever happens to happen.

Love yourself more. Be kinder with your thoughts. Let your heart be free of anger or jealous comparison.

Be wise by allowing yourself to be loved by others, but firmly and foremost, loved by the Lord, God. Then be absolutely sure you save some of that love for yourself. Please.

A little smile just slipped across my face. I’m listening 🙂

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Socks and Friends

As I mentioned in my last post, things have been a little trying around here, but we’re doing our best to get our bearings. Although I’m agoraphobic, I do get lonely sometimes. I am not accustomed to Phillip being gone ten hours a day. You’d think that I would find that BRILLIANT! So much time to get things done in a quiet and solitary way….

I guess not. I could have written (I did, you just never saw it). I could have been knitting teddy bears (after all, Christmas is coming). I could have, might have, but didn’t feel like doing that. My heart wanted nothing more than to spend the time with socks and friends that I never get to see, or have never even met in person. But, this way I could spend time with them as the yarn swirled through my fingers like wool eddies, little glimpses of a friend’s spirit just over my shoulder. I spent time with each of these people individually, never having two socks the same (for none of us are), and switching up colors from patterns that had become too routine, and had no more excitement….I know how this sock is going to end. But, not these socks! No! Just past finishing the cuff I’d scrummage through my stash and look for a different sock pattern, blended them and let them take their own unique designs.

It was the best thing I could have done throughout this time. Some of those socks were made in silence, hours and hours of silence…just so that I might hear the whisper of one of my friends.

As much as I need the money, I can’t bring myself to sell them. I just can’t. Their support over the years has been the best experience in this journey. Not everything is for sell, especially close friendships. God will take care of me…He has never disappointed.

The bears ARE in the shop. You won’t be able to buy them, but they will say “Coming Soon.” So, pop on over and take a look, one  of the socks may be named after you! This way you’ll know they’re on the way. 🙂

And who knows? Maybe my next pair of socks will be named after YOU!

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