You’re A Scruffy Old Bear, But I Love You.

I get some awesome emails from people all over the world with something of the same theme: they’re now grown adults, with children of their own, still holding on to a teddy bear given to them when they were tots. Some are hidden in closets, some are proudly on display, and some have been heir loomed off to a younger generation who we all hope will cling to the little bear with love. So, I had to a do a bear in honor of scruffy old bears everywhere.

The bear looks classic, old, slightly worn, a touch faded with age, but the look on his face still proud and attentive, protective, ready to assume his responsibilities and duties at any age.

I guess its something of a self portrait, too. I’m getting older, slightly worn, and a bit faded, but I’m awfully protective of those I love.Maybe this bear is something of a self protrait.

And on a personal not, I’d like to say, I’ve met one of the best smiles I’ve come across in a while. A wonderful handsome, silly, ridiculous, caring, and charming man who spends most of his time thinking of me. Now, look at that face. Such a Handsome Devil. I’ve told many of you often, at some point I want to take care of my family. With him? I think I might just have a start one…..

One year ago a man destroyed me…..Today? A man wants to help me pick up the pieces and build something.


  1. You are simply amazing!! Simply, wonderfully, utterly, awesome! I have been reading your blogs messages lately through the daze of nyquil and congestion of the flu and have not been able to muster up the words to comment until now. Again and again you make me so proud to call you my friend! Your downs are always followed by a strong pull on your bootstrings to get yourself out of the funk and back walking tall. Thank you for sharing your life, your gift of creating knit friends, Mario and now the smile of a handsome new friend.(waves sweetly @ the new friend) It seems the universe has really been listening to you!! Keep thinking the good thoughts!

  2. Ahhh what a great idea, a slightly worn Teddy bear! Cute. I didn’t have a Teddy when I was young, but sure would love one now. Oh another note, go glad you have met the “smile of your life”, and boy is he ever handsome. Got get him…..

  3. I still have my mouse, Mouser, from when I was a year old. He sits proudly with Sally, my first baby doll in the rocking chair that I’ve had since I was 1, with a baby doll quilt that my great grandmother made. Wow, that was a really long run-on sentence. I’m glad to see you’re doing well, and that is a very handsome man!

  4. I just wanted to let you know that I recieved the pattern I bought from you, and I can not wait to get started!!!! The instructions look pretty clear and concise to me!

  5. Amongst my collection, I still have my first teddy. He’s a well-loved Steiff. And that’s an awfully nice personal note to read. πŸ™‚

  6. I still have my first teddy, she went to hospital withme when I was ill as a child for nearly 2 years. I am so pleased to hear your news. It seems that this year is so far being kind to both of us. The power of positivity is a very powerful thing. Stay strong and happy. Love and hugs to u.

  7. Hoppallaaa!!! Huiiiii!! What a chum!!! Nice smile, caring eyes! Damn it I didn’t know we had the same taste in men!! LOL

    Have fun, enjoy and be happy!


  8. It’s hard to keep everyone satisfied sometimes. Life happens, and that creates a lot of unexpected occurences. Continue to knit and stay strong, and congrats on finding more happiness in your life. It’s always easier to get through rough patches with someone else by your side.
    Best wishes!

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