Don’t Let What You Don’t Have Stop You

Our yarn truck is well on its way. And in the process we’ve seen ourselves shed things we thought were at first essential, but now, not so much. For instance, the baskets to put the yarn in. We don’t have the money to buy them, but we can snag milk crates for free. Fine. We’ll do that. It just adds to that appeal of the Clampets selling yarn out of their pick up truck. We can’t find affordable lawn chairs. Who knew they were so stupidly expensive. Fine. We’ve some old wooden slat chairs that look atrocious, but we’ll use those. Again, use what you have. The big part of our venture was the truck. That’s settled. Now, we’re working out the insurance, taxes, tags and title for it. Which, will be an issue. There is no skirting that.  Can’t find an affordable umbrella, but Phillip and I could easily make a tarp to cover ourselves with. We have a wonderful WONDERFUL friend who is supplying the decals with our logo on the the sides of the truck for free because they believe in this idea. Yarn distribution is solidly weird. Big people don’t want to talk to us. Fine. We’re going for smaller, independent people that spin, dye and sell their own yarn to work wholesale agreements with. And they’re grateful for the business and exposure. My goal was to start with about 100 skeins of yarns in beautifully cute bushel baskets. If we start with only 20 to 30 skeins in milk crates, then its a start.

Some massive corporation out there started with one little hot dog cart selling what they had. They never considered that a dream couldn’t be achieved because of what they didn’t have. They focused on what they had and making it work. We’re hoping to be out the door the weekend of August 5th. I can’t wait to take a picture of “day one……” And years from now, they’ll say, “You know, they started with a little pick up truck selling boutique yarn out of milk crates. Look how far they’ve come…..”

Our GoFundMe. Our dream 🙂 Or….

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  1. If your milk crates are less than attractive, consider covering them with brown paper (paper grocery bags-c’mon, I know you’re crafty-you can make that work) – like we used to cover school books. It would unify the look and make them “disappear” – so that the yarn is what’s showcased…

  2. – and will the yarn also be for sale online? Even when I sell things in a booth or at a sale – I still have them listed in my online shop as well.

  3. What better than knit or crocheted baskets, use a couple clothes hangers for stiffeners or even chopsticks and you’ll have the most unique baskets anywhere. Do make sure you get an accounting book (Dome has decent prices for the kind you write in by hand – you WILL need that, get a duplicate sales book too, like they use in restaurants so you have a receipt for your customer and a record for yourself.) I don’t know about Florida, but I had to have a sales tax number and the tax was paid monthly, plus, sadly, the IRS will want records. I’m not trying to discourage you in the least, just see that you guys protect yourselves. Keep a strict and honest paper trail, yes you can use the computer if you want, but do keep your records. All the very best to you both in your exciting venture.

  4. You might also check into setting up at a Farmers Market. They often allow crafters. If you are also selling your own finished goods (Bears and such) They might not object to you selling someone else’s hand painted yarn. All you can do is ask.

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